
Wabtec’s Living Legacy of Engineering 创新


Wabtec 155年的创新, a closer look at the recent breakthroughs that shaped the freight rail industry.

2024年是Wabtec成立155周年, 将该公司卓越的工程血统追溯到其创始三巨头乔治·威斯汀豪斯的诱惑, 托马斯·爱迪生, 还有路易斯·费弗利, 确实很强大.

威斯汀豪斯 -第一个铁路制动系统
爱迪生 ——第一辆电力迪士尼3彩乐园
Faiveley -第一个受电弓 

Each of these technologies enabled Wabtec to revolutionize the rail industry.

但Wabtec并不是靠沉湎于其传奇的过去而成为铁路技术领域的全球领导者的. 而, 它建立在丰富的创新基础上,为客户不断改进和改变铁路性能.

简单地说, innovation isn’t just a “legacy” at Wabtec – it’s a living legacy, one enhanced everyday by an engineering force of approximately 5,000人.

记住这个区别, 让我们来看看Wabtec最近在货运铁路行业的颠覆性创新和工程奇迹.



在20世纪90年代, Wabtec was competing with EMD in the  freight-locomotive market, 世界各地的主要铁路都受到直流迪士尼3彩乐园起动和持续牵引能力的限制.


AJ Kumar, known as the "Father of the AC 迪士尼3彩乐园"

Wabtec engineers, led by the “Father of the AC 迪士尼3彩乐园,” AJ Kumar (who surpassed George 威斯汀豪斯’s esteemed 361 patent count in 2022), 采用“系统工程”的方法,创造了一种新的电机,以改写现代货运迪士尼3彩乐园的效率和运输能力. 交流牵引系统诞生了.

“我们当时的竞争对手, 其中主要是EMD, 难道所有人都把注意力集中在同一个问题上,那就是为重载客户提供具有更大牵引力的迪士尼3彩乐园吗,艾伦·汉密尔顿回忆道。, Wabtec工程副总裁. “Many of them tried to outsource the solution, but we kept it all in house. 我们借此机会通过整个火车头的镜头来看待这个挑战, 发动机的互连, 牵引系统, 和控制, 使火车头运转起来, 创造一种新型迪士尼3彩乐园的结构,并对其进行优化,以满足重载客户的需求.”

This holistic 系统工程方法 worked wonders, 结果不仅仅是一个“工作”的交流迪士尼3彩乐园, but a top-tier powerhouse built on optimized components, which provided advanced thermal capabilities (motor), 附着力(车轮), and individual axle control (power-electronics controls) to maximize tractive effort.

The engineering feats behind the individual components are numerous, as are those of the “vital organs” of the locomotive, 但真正的创新是这些部分如何一起工作,创造一个优化的整体, a system that suddenly boosted tractive effort to a continuous rating of 166,000磅. – nearly a 60% increase over the prior DC locomotive. 突然, customers with a load that had required five DC locomotives to pull, 现在可以用三台交流迪士尼3彩乐园代替了吗, 改写生产力的规则, 效率, and labor and maintenance costs in one fell swoop.

“Frankly, we, and the industry, never looked back. Wabtec got its AC locomotive architecture right from the start,” observes Hamilton. “This also set the stage for our successful  locomotive modernization business, which to this day is converting DC locomotives to the AC platform.”

Wabtec’s AC advances also swept through the mining industry, ultimately resulting in the creation of the first-class Komatsu 930E truck, 在21世纪初,它以其增加的运输和降低的总生命周期成本成为行业标准. 无论开采的是什么公司,Wabtec及其客户都用AC技术挖到了金矿.


挑战: Meet increasingly strict GHG emissions standards
创新: Deliver mandated compliance + fuel savings = The Evolution Series Engines

从21世纪初开始, 一系列日益严格的温室气体(GHG)排放标准(Tier 2 - Tier 4)影响了货运迪士尼3彩乐园发动机的设计. 再一次。, while its competitors chose discrete fixes to keep in compliance, Wabtec应用了一个整体, 系统工程方法.

“Our competitors viewed the solution to the new emissions regime as an ‘engine’ problem; they tinkered with their existing engines and ‘detuned’ them to make them compliant,汉密尔顿说。. “The problem with that approach was that it resulted in decreased fuel economy. Wabtec engineers took a completely different approach. 他们将发动机重新设想为迪士尼3彩乐园的“发电厂”,并找到了减少排放的方法, while increasing miles per gallon – a real breakthrough.”

This innovation introduced the Evolution Series engine to the rail industry. Wabtec工程师测试了向发动机输送燃料的新方法(以及为客户创造价值的新方法), 最终降落在高压共轨系统上,使燃油喷射压力能够独立于发动机转速进行控制. 像这样富有想象力和实用性的发动机整体设计改进不仅帮助Wabtec满足了客户的合规性需求,而且还以新发现的燃油效率的形式增加了价值, 铁路的主要成本杠杆.

就像增加的合规标准没有停止一样,Wabtec工程师的创造力也没有停止. 当Tier 4排放标准浮出水面, requiring greater reductions in particulate matter and NOx, most locomotive manufacturers defaulted to an “aftertreatment” approach, 介绍贵, and rather clunky urea-based catalysts to their fuel and engine mix.

不是Wabtec. While its engineers did explore aftertreatment options, they pushed the envelope on their 系统工程方法, 创新后处理方式,不仅为北美铁路提供完全合规的解决方案,而且还为Evolution系列Tier 4迪士尼3彩乐园提供了更好的优化解决方案. 为Wabtec工程师准备的, Tier 4合规提供了推动, but performance and value creation remained the goal.

瓦伯泰克的Evolution系列Tier 4迪士尼3彩乐园具有最佳的效率和附着力,是北美铁路满足其新拉力需求的无可争议的选择.  近1,迄今已交付200台, Wabtec优化的产品开发系统工程方法不断得到市场的验证.

Wabtec launched the Evolution Series Tier 4 迪士尼3彩乐园 in 2015

挑战: Transform locomotive usage data into a customer performance advantage
创新: Wabtec控制技术

While driving countless locomotive hardware innovations, Wabtec的系统工程方法还引发了一场软件革命,这场革命至今仍在改变着整个行业. With advances in telemetry and on-board data capture, 因为Wabtec真的和客户一起走在轨道上,以便更好地了解他们的需求,并“近距离”观察他们是如何运作的, Wabtec engineers found ways to turn data into enhanced performance.

First and foremost among these software innovations is 旅行优化器, an energy management and smart cruise control system for trains that considers terrain, 火车组成, 速度限制, and operating conditions to calculate an optimum speed profile. Launched in 2009, 旅行优化器 recently notched an impressive milestone: 运行了10亿英里, 为世界各地的主要铁路节省了超过7.5亿加仑的柴油,同时减少了高达10%的排放.

Wabtec's LOCOTROL and other digital solutions are transforming the industry

“我们在控制系统方面取得了许多突破, from our best-in-class locomotive traction control (adhesion), 发动机加油/正时及变速迪士尼3彩乐园辅助控制(排放/效率), locontrol(分布式电源)和空气制动控制(制动器)到旅行优化器显示我们的工程师将我们的系统工程方法提升到一个新的水平,汉密尔顿反思道。. “旅行优化器, 例如, 需要某种隐喻性的飞跃, considering the entire train network as a system, and using inputs from that system to optimize a train’s use of energy.”

这种类型的软件优化, which encompasses advances in machine learning and predictive analytics, 绝对不是静态的. 今天, 例如, 新型电池迪士尼3彩乐园, 哪一种能储存刹车产生的能量, add another dynamic element to the energy management equation, 开辟燃油效率的新领域.

Wabtec is building upon these innovations and looking to the future. By pioneering advancements in current signaling systems and network 效率 solutions, the company is striving to increase rail capacity to move more freight by train. Wabtec正致力于通过燃油效率解决方案和测试可再生柴油和生物柴油来减少现有迪士尼3彩乐园车队的排放. It also is leading the development of alternative propulsion technologies.


Wabtec已经开发了 world’s first heavy-haul, 100% battery electric locomotive迪士尼3彩乐园TM.  该公司将于今年晚些时候交付首台商用7兆瓦时迪士尼3彩乐园,用于西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉地区的线路运输业务.

Wabtec的工程师们也在探索氢作为未来脱碳铁路的燃料. 公司正在进行 与橡树岭国家实验室和阿贡国家实验室的合作研究 to advance cutting-edge work on a hydrogen internal combustion engine. On a separate research track for a next-generation hydrogen locomotive, Wabtec正在与技术伙伴合作开发能够使用氢燃料电池作为替代发电源的迪士尼3彩乐园.

“回顾Wabtec最近的创新历史,展望未来,我认为我们的传奇创始人会感到自豪,汉密尔顿总结道。. “We have succeeded where our competitors have not by thinking, 做梦, and acting BIG and collaborating closely with our customers. 我们的系统工程方法通过确保我们的创新协同工作,帮助我们设定更高的目标,实现更多目标, just as an orchestra must play together to make great music.”
